Archive for October 8th, 2008


AFA 08 Big News!!

We’re one day late, but as the saying goes, better that than never ay? More Anime Festival Asia 08 news coming in, from a press conference held on 7/10/2008. It’s big! AFA looks to be gearing up to be THE MUST-ATTEND event for local anime fans. Here goes!

Don't Be Late!

Even Lions lick themselves

  • Singer May’n (May Nakabayashi) will be coming down here in Singapore to perform at AFA. Those who watch Macross Frontier will recognise her as the singing voice of Sheryl
    Nome. She’ll be performing a concert of 7 of her songs during the convention. No additional ticket charge other than the convention entrance fee!
  • For all you mecha fans, mechanical designer Kunio Okawara is coming down as well. Not only did he do mechanical designs for classic Sunrise mech series like Votoms, Layzner and the Yuusha series, he is a big designer on the Gundam franchise his works including  the original RX-78 Gundam and MS-06 Zaku II! He also did the Scopedog from Votoms and the King of Braves Gaogaigar!

    Mecha fans better be there. Upon the oath of courage!

  • Aside from Bandai, Kotobukiya, Alter, GSC and Max Factory are also coming down to the convention. For all those figure collectors out there, expect some nifty convention exclusives and prereleases!

And so much, so much more. Looks like it’s time to toss them books aside and hit Suntec Convention Centre come 22-23rd of November. (Disclaimer: The opinions of the author do not necessarily reflect those of the VAS) There are other rumours circulating, we’ll keep you updated as and when they are confirmed. For now, Go! Visit their site!

A Subclub of

NTUVAS Animeworks is a non-profit student society that aims to promote animation as a visual medium and foster interest in it through its activities.
October 2008
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